Looking Over the Past Year

Almost one year ago, in September 2020, a small but determined group of faithful Orthodox Christians set out on the endeavor of beginning St. Timothy the Apostle Russian Orthodox Mission. After receiving the official decree from Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, they began to form what we now see as a growing community. Father Alexander Logunov and Father Mark Mancuso were assigned to the mission, taking over administrative duties. Father Alexander would soon be providing services.

Saint Timothy’s first baptism was performed by Father Alexander Logunov in October of 2020. George Rolfs of Hickory, NC was baptized at the church of the Reigning Mother of God, taking the name Seraphim. Later Seraphim George Rolfs would open up his chiropractic office to host our services.

Our first Divine Liturgy was held on October 25th, 2020 at Seraphim’s chiropractic office. The Liturgy was attended by a few faithful, and the founders and fledgling choir had their first experience working alongside Father Alexander in the services. Many Liturgies and readers services were held in that office, with coffee hours following.

Our first feast day celebrated as a parish would be Theophany 2020. Father Alexander performed the blessing of the waters for the very first time for the mission. The Liturgy was followed by house blessings performed for the faithful of our parish, by Father Alexander.
In January, Saint Timothy Mission would secure our next location of Sebastian Chapel located on the campus of St. Aloysius Catholic Church of Hickory. The church still holds services at this location.
Sebastian Chapel has provided a functional and prayerful location for services. The chapel offers more space, with beautiful chapel ceilings, and a raised kliros that provides a space for choir, complete with acoustics complimentary to Orthodox acapella chant.
Saint Timothy’s first major event held at the chapel was that of Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan’s first visit to our mission. Bishop Nicholas served a moleiben to Saint Timothy and the Theotokos on March 2, 2021. Father Alexander and Father Mark Mancuso were in attendance. The moleiben was followed by a meal, where Bishop Nicholas discussed his impressions of the mission’s progress and the potential trajectory of Saint Timothy’s with the attending faithful. More info on Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan may be read here. Saint Timothy has since held many services at Sebastian Chapel and continues to offer regular readers services and Divine Liturgies. Please see our church calendar for more information about our current schedule of services. As noted in the title, the mission will celebrate it’s first anniversary on September 16th 2021.

St. Timothy Mission to Celebrate it’s First Anniversary
A founding member of Saint Timothy the Apostle ROCOR mission, Maximos Dan Rundquist, plans to host a Founder’s Day Celebration cookout for the parishioners and clergy of Saint Timothy. This celebration is to occur on our one year anniversary, September 16th, 2021, at Lake Hickory Beach. The cookout will undoubtedly be an evening of fellowship and fun, in which the parishioners of our growing mission can look back on our progress within the first year.