Two new faithful were welcomed into Saint Timothy Mission Saturday afternoon upon their baptism – Ethan (now Spyridon) Moore and his daughter Octavia (Katherine). Father Alexander Logunov performed the baptism service at our parent parish, the Church of the Icon of the Reigning Mother of God on Statesville Ave. in Charlotte, NC. Spyridon and Katherine are now the third and fourth newly baptized parishioners of Saint Timothy Mission.
Alongside Spyridon and Katherine, the Church of the Reigning Mother of God also welcomed a new parishioner, Marina.
The baptisms were directly preceded by Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday, with many faithful from the Reigning Mother of God and Saint Timothy Mission in attendance for both services. Father Alexander gave a brief homily following the baptisms on the grace experienced by the newly illumined, and the importance of prayer and continued support from the godparents of the newly-baptized parishioners. In closing, the parish sang “Many Years” to Spyridon and Katherine Moore (of Saint Timothy) and Marina (of the Reigning Mother of God) and their godparents, Reader John Plyler, Xenia Bartholomew, and Marietta.

Congratulations to Spyrodon and Katherine! Many years!