Father Jonah Campbell to Visit Saint Timothy Mission

The visiting priest will provide services for October 9th and 10th

Saint Timothy Mission looks forward to a visit this week from Father Jonah Campbell, who will serve Vigil and Divine Liturgy on October 9th and 10th.  It will be the 16th Sunday After Pentecost, commemorating Martyr Callistratus and those with him. View our full calendar of services here.

Father Jonah Campbell is the rector of Christ the Savior Orthodox Church of Wayne, WV, and owner of Damascene Gallery icons.  He is also the rector of St. Matrona of Moscow Mission, a new mission church of the Russian Church Abroad recently established in Lexington, KY.

Father Jonah is a native of North Carolina, growing up in Mooresville, NC.  He studied at Oral Roberts University, receiving a degree in chemistry as a pre-med student.  More information on his discovery of Orthodoxy and ordination can be found here: A Journey from Pre-med to Priesthood.  During his early years in the Orthodox Church he was a resident of Asheville, NC attending Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church of Fletcher.  After his ordination into the priesthood in August 2009, Father Jonah served as a priest in St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Howell, NJ.  During this time he also served as treasurer for the EA Diocese.  After an opportunity arose to become the rector of Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in West Virginia, Father Jonah and family relocated to the Appalachian Mountains to serve the Wayne community.  The parish is located in close proximity to the monastery, Hermitage of the Holy Cross.

In Wayne, Father Jonah and family serve their community primarily through their Russian Pantry outreach program.  This has been key in engaging the community members of the small West Virginia town, and connecting Orthodox parishioners of Russian and convert backgrounds with locals.  More info from Father Jonah on connecting with the community can be read here.

Father Jonah has been operating Damascene Gallery for more than a decade.  Damascene Gallery is a reproduction (mounted) Orthodox icons company founded by Father Jonah and his brother in 2010.  The headquarters for the company is located at his home in West Virginia, which provides a full woodshop, mounting studio, and small storefront.  Also located within Damascene Gallery is St. John of Damascus Chapel, where Father Jonah has served many Divine Liturgies on his home property.  The chapel was blessed by Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan just a few years ago.  Damascene Gallery has a full online icon and church supply store, and also provides custom mounted fresco work for churches.  Shop Damascene Gallery or learn more on their website, damascenegallery.com.

Saint Timothy Mission is honored to host Father Jonah this coming Saturday and Sunday, as well as their family some of whom will be assisting with services and choir.  Saint Timothy invites all members and community members to come to the Divine Services this weekend and welcome Father Jonah.  Trapeza will be held after Divine Liturgy on Sunday for coffee and conversation.

Posted in Parish News, Uncategorized.

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